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Sustainable pet food
for flexitarians

Healthy, delicious looking and tasty pet food without harming nature and animals.

Insectfood dog

What is Flexitarian Pet Food?

The flexitarian approach offers a practical and feasible way for pet owners to improve their dogs’ health while contributing to sustainability and ethical nutrition.

With HenArt, you can offer your pet a diet that includes both real meat and plant-based food.

It’s healthy, looks like meat and tastes great too!

Meat food, but without the meat

At HenArt, we have achieved a unique breakthrough in the world of plant-based pet food. In collaboration with a team of specialists, including veterinarians and nutritionists, we have developed the Plantz line – a range of plant-based, juicy and tender “beef and chicken” meat analogues that are indistinguishable from real meat.

Insectfood dog

Your pet will love it!

At HenArt, our mission is simple yet powerful: we strive to provide healthy, sustainable, and ethically sourced pet food. We understand that your pet’s health and well-being is of the utmost importance. That’s why we only use the finest plant-based ingredients that have been carefully selected to meet your pet’s nutritional needs.