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Insect dry food for senior dogs

 22,50 69,95

🐶 Our complete food for older dogs with proteins from 100% mealworms,
the highest quality sustainable protein source.

– 🐛 Up to 25 times less emissions, 20 times less water consumption &
44 times less space required in production
– 💪 High protein content & complete amino acid profile
– 🌿 Natural ingredients & no grains or chemicals
– ⚖️ Vitamins, minerals & Omega 3 fatty acids
– 👩‍⚕️ Developed with veterinarians
– 🩹 Suitable for allergy sufferers

Enrichments / KG20.000 I.E. Vitamine A (3a672a), 2.000 I.E. Vitamine D3 (3a671), 200 mg Vitamine E (3a700), 6 mg Vitamine K3 (3a711), 12,0 mg Vitamine B1 (3a821), 8,0 mg Vitamine B2 als Ribofl avin (3a825i), 12,0 mg Vitamine B6 / Pyridoxinehydrochloride (3a831), 120 mcg Vitamine B12 als Cyanocobalamine, 50 mg Niacine (3a314), 40 mg Calcium-D-Panthotenat (3a841), 8,00 mg Folsäure (3a316), 2.000 mcg Biotine (3a880), 1.800 mg Cholinchlorid (3a890), 80 mg Eisen-Fe aus Eisenaminosäurechelat Hydrat (3b106), 8 mg Kupfer-Cu aus Aminosäurekupferchelat, Hydrat (3b406), 40 mg Mangan-Mn aus Glycine-Manganchelat-Hydrat (3b506), 120 mg Zink-Zn aus Aminosäure-Zinkchelat, Hydrat (3b606), 75 mg Zink Zn aus Zinkoxid (3b603), 1,5 mg Jod-J als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei (3b202), 0,2 mg Selen-Seal als Natriumselenit (3b801). Enthält natürliche Antioxidantien (Tocopherolenmischung) en conserveringsmiddel.
Analytical constituents22.80% crude protein, 9.50% crude fat, 2.80% crude fibre, 5.60% crude ash, 9.00% moisture
Feeding recommendation & dosageOn the back of the package 🧾 you will find a table
IngredientsHenArt® mealworm protein 22.5%, potato flakes, pea starch, dried sweet potato, linseed, potato protein, pure brewer's yeast, insect oil, algae lime, chiccoreé fiber, sodium chloride, turmeric root, eggshell membrane powder 0.07%


🐶 Our complete food for older dogs with proteins from 100% mealworms,
the highest quality sustainable protein source.

– 🐛 Up to 25 times less emissions, 20 times less water consumption &
44 times less space required in production
– 💪 High protein content & complete amino acid profile
– 🌿 Natural ingredients & no grains or chemicals
– ⚖️ Vitamins, minerals & Omega 3 fatty acids
– 👩‍⚕️ Developed with veterinarians
– 🩹 Suitable for allergy sufferers

Additional information



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