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1- Do Dogs Really Need Meat?

It’s a common misconception that honden can’t live without meat in their diets. However, research and real-world evidence suggest otherwise. Dogs are highly adaptable and can thrive on diets that provide all the essential nutrients, regardless of whether the protein source is meat-based, plant-based, or insect-based. What matters most is the quality and balance of the diet.

Discover our range of carefully formulated plant-based and insect-based dogfoods and give your furry friend the best of both worlds—health and sustainability.

In fact, some of the longest-living dogs in history, like Bramble, who lived to 25 years,were fed plant-based diets. Studies have shown that dogs on vegan diets often enjoybenefits such as longer lifespans, fewer health problems, and reduced reliance on medication compared to those on conventional meat-based diets. For example, recent research found that dogs eating vegan diets lived up to 18 months longer on average.

Plant-based and insect-based proteins are not only rich in essential nutrients but also come with additional health advantages. Dogs transitioning to these diets have experienced improvements in digestion, skin conditions, and even behavioral issues
like anxiety. Moreover, these diets can help resolve deficiencies caused by certain meat-based diets, such as low vitamin D levels.

Ultimately, dogs need high-quality protein, not necessarily meat. Plant-based and insect-based diets are scientifically proven to meet their nutritional needs while offering a more sustainable and ethical option. By choosing these diets, you can provide your dog with optimal health while contributing to a better future for our planet.

2- Can Plant-Based Food Provide the Essential Fatty Acids Dogs Need?

Ja, plantaardige diëten kunnen absoluut de essentiële vetzuren leveren die uw hond nodig heeft, waaronder Omega-3 en Omega-6, die van cruciaal belang zijn voor het behoud van een gezonde vacht, huid en algeheel welzijn. Deze essentiële voedingsstoffen zijn niet exclusief voor dierlijke ingrediënten; ze zijn overvloedig aanwezig in veel hoogwaardige plantaardige bronnen.
Ingrediënten als lijnzaad, chiazaad en zonnebloemolie zijn bijvoorbeeld rijk aan Omega-3- en Omega-6-vetzuren. Gecombineerd met andere plantaardige oliën en zorgvuldig samengestelde recepten zorgen ze ervoor dat uw hond alle voedingsstoffen binnenkrijgt die nodig zijn voor een uitgebalanceerd en gezond dieet.
Geavanceerde formuleringen, zoals die in onze producten worden gebruikt, zorgen voor een optimale verhouding van deze vetzuren, wat essentieel is voor hun opname en effectiviteit. Honden met een plantaardig dieet kunnen gedijen wanneer aan hun voedingsbehoeften, inclusief essentiële vetzuren, wordt voldaan door middel van zorgvuldig gekozen, hoogwaardige ingrediënten.
Switching to a plant-based diet doesn’t mean compromising on nutrition—it’s about providing your pet with everything they need to flourish, while also embracing a more sustainable and ethical choice. Explore our range of nutritionally complete plantbased options and give your dog the best in health and vitality.

3. Zijn plantaardige eiwitten verteerbaar voor honden?

Ja, plantaardig eiwit is goed verteerbaar voor honden als het op de juiste manier is samengesteld. Honden zijn alleseters, wat betekent dat hun spijsverteringssysteem is ontworpen om zowel dierlijke als plantaardige eiwitten effectief te verwerken. Hoogwaardige plantaardige ingrediënten, zoals linzen, erwten, kikkererwten en soja, zijn uitstekende bronnen van eiwitten en kunnen de essentiële aminozuren leveren die honden nodig hebben om te gedijen.
Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat plantaardige diëten voor honden kunnen voldoen aan de voedingsnormen die nodig zijn voor een goede gezondheid en een lang leven, of deze zelfs kunnen overtreffen. Veel honden met een plantaardig dieet ervaren voordelen zoals een verbeterde spijsvertering, minder allergieën en een betere darmgezondheid in vergelijking met traditionele, op vlees gebaseerde diëten.
The key to digestibility lies in the formulation of the diet. By combining complementary plant protein sources, our recipes ensure that dogs receive a complete amino acid profile, supporting muscle development, energy levels, and overall vitality. With today’s advancements in nutrition science, plant proteins are not only digestible for dogs but also a sustainable and ethical alternative to traditional meatbased diets. Explore our range of expertly crafted plant-based foods and see the difference for yourself!

4- When can you start feeding your puppy dog food?

By the time your puppy is two months old, its stomach is ready for solid food. However, it’s important to introduce feeding carefully—too many calories can lead to rapid growth, which may result in lifelong health issues. Instead, focus on giving your puppy the right food in the right amounts. Follow the feeding recommendations on the packaging, which are tailored to your puppy’s expected adult weight. If you’re
unsure, consult an expert.
In het begin zijn kleine maaltijden verspreid over de dag van cruciaal belang om het zich ontwikkelende spijsverteringssysteem van uw puppy te helpen zich aan zijn voedsel aan te passen. Begin met vier maaltijden per dag en verminder dit tot drie tegen de tijd dat uw puppy zes maanden oud is. De meeste honden zijn rond de leeftijd van één jaar volgroeid. In dit stadium kunt u overstappen op één of twee maaltijden per dag en overstappen op voeding die speciaal is ontwikkeld voor volwassen honden.
For larger breeds, growth takes longer, and they may not reach full size until much later. If you’re unsure whether your dog is fully grown, consult your veterinarian. They can advise you on the best time to switch to adult dog food. Until then, high-quality puppy or junior food is the best choice to give your dog a healthy start in life. Complete puppy or junior foods are formulated with all the essential minerals, trace elements, and vitamins needed for growth. They also contain the right energy content to meet the unique needs of growing dogs.

5- What type of food is suitable for senior dogs?

As dogs age, their energy levels decline, movements slow, and metabolism changes. Senior dogs need food tailored to their specific needs, as adult dog food can strain their metabolism or cause weight gain due to its high energy content. Older dogs are more prone to health issues, making immune support essential. Nutrients like taurine and L-carnitine aid heart function, while antioxidants help slow cellular aging. Minerals, vitamins, and trace elements designed for seniors are vital for maintaining their vitality. Henart’s Insect Protein and Vegan Dog Food are ideal for senior dogs. These sustainable diets provide high-quality, digestible protein and essential nutrients, supporting muscle maintenance and reducing sensitivities linked to meat-based diets. With antioxidant-rich ingredients and balanced nutrition, Henart helps your senior dog stay healthy and happy in their golden years.

6- How do I recognize quality pet food?

It’s always worth taking a look at the ingredient list of dog food! Artificial flavorings, enhancers, or colorants are often found in lower-quality products. High-quality dog and cat food, on the other hand, lists its ingredients clearly. You can easily see what’s inside at a glance. Additionally, it contains important minerals, trace elements, and vitamins that your dog needs to stay healthy and happy. With high quality complete food, you can easily meet your dog’s and cat’s nutritional needs without worrying about whether your pet is fully cared for.
Considering climate change and environmental protection, sustainability also plays an important role in high-quality dog and cat food! Our beloved four-legged friends have a surprisingly high CO2 paw print: studies show that a dog causes an average of 0.95 tons of CO2 per year. That’s a significant amount when calculated over the dog’s entire lifetime! The main cause of this is the environmental impact of conventional meat production. Therefore, high-quality dog and cat food must be sustainable and environmentally friendly, so we don’t burden the planet with unnecessary greenhouse gases through the care and feeding of our pets. At HenArt Pet Food, we ensure that our dog food is climate-positive, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. For special dietary needs and good tolerance, we have
developed hypoallergenic dog and cat food, Plant Based dog food, and gluten-free dog food. These are our alternatives to the exploitation of our planet. We also, of course, do not conduct animal testing! With HenArt Pet Food, you help reduce your dog’s and cat’s emissions and show consideration for the environment. Moreover, your dog or cat is provided with all the essential nutrients. It’s the complete, worry-free package in the food bowl – and guaranteed high quality – promised!